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H+Pedia is a Humanity+ project to spread accurate, accessible, non-sensational information about 最新免费ssr飞机场, including radical life extension, futurism and other emerging technologies and their impact to the general public. H+Pedia is also an opportunity for unique collaborations across the transhumanist community.

We currently have 3,437 pages of all types, of which 1,321 are articles, and have 574 files uploaded. 27,434 edits have been made from 14 active users.

H+Pedia welcomes financial donations including cryptocurrency, to fund projects to boost the impact and reach of the project.

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小飞机免费节点TranshumanismHistoryAbolitionismPosthumanProactionary principleMind uploadingPeopleTranshumanist FAQTranshumanist Declaration最新免费ssr飞机场DefinitionsH+PoliticsSilicon ValleyAround the world
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Criticism of transhumanism免费小飞机免费小飞机ControversiesOverpopulationEugenicsGenetic EngineeringNeo-LuddismTechnoscepticismConspiracy theoriesDehumanisationTechnoconservatismTopics最新免费ssr飞机场
IdeologiesComparison of futurist ideologiesExtropianismFuturismSingularitarianismPosthumanismTechno-optimismTechnological utopianismTechnolibertarianismTechnoprogressivismMorphological freedomPsychology
LongevismOverviewArguments againstIndustry小火箭连接成功上不去外网SENSLEAF恐龙 - 小飞机 | 豆瓣阅读:恐龙免费在线阅读或下载到手机。那是一顶蓝绿色的兜帽,恐龙呆滞的眼睛和触角凸起来,他的眼睛被遮盖在柔软的獠牙状帽檐下面。无论什么时候,他都不摘下帽子。那顶恐龙帽子就像是带着咒语一样,里面一定有什么玄机,它控制了路许的大脑,控制了他的神经,让他变得和以前不一样了。TerminologyHealth 2.0SupplementsLongevity escape velocity小飞机翻墙 androidLongevity Party • (Cryonics | Organisations | 小飞机免费节点 )
Emerging technologiesAugmented RealityArtificial intelligenceDriverless CarHuman cloningPredictionsSpace explorationSynthetic meatMicrochip implantSex robotsExistential risks最新免费ssr飞机场
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The history of transhumanism is complicated and relatively poorly documented prior to the internet age. However the dynamics of the movement are accelerating in recent years as more people are drawn to it without a strong sense of history.

H+Pedia has compiled the most comprehensive timeline of the history of transhumanism via number of different sources.

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  2. Edward Hudgins
  3. TAFFDs
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  5. Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions
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H+Pedia aims to follow the principles of Wikipedia. At the same time, the H+Pedia editorial team seek to demonstrate greater awareness and appreciation of transhumanism and radical futurism. This will be reflected by the inclusion in H+Pedia of material which might not pass the Wikipedia tests for notability, as currently applied by Wikipedia editors. The guiding principles of H+Pedia are described in more detail in H+Pedia principles.

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