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    The diver's collection with an expressive, sporty and functional character.



    The urban touch of ANONIMO.



    The Nautilo Automatic manages to feel both vintage and modern at the same time. While Panerai is using a similar case, its watches distinctly seem to hearken back to a sepia-toned past, whereas Anonimo comes off a bit more sleek and fresh.


    Quality is the name of the game here. With some brands, the prices feel completely disconnected from the product. With this Italian maker, that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’d suggest you get an Anonimo in your hands and see if you feel the same.

    Rob Nudds, ablogtowatch.com

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    Sherri, a Client and an Instagram Follower

    It is this history of common passions that Anonimo tells its story. A passion for Swiss watchmaking tinged with the richness of the Italian lifestyle. A passion for nature, wine, good food, and the simple truth that we love to live together.



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    2400 Le Locle

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