
Since 1883, Modern Woodmen of America has brought people together, supported families and strengthened communities.

About Us

Looking for a meaningful career?

Grow with Modern Woodmen! As a financial representative, you can make a positive impact for your family and your community.


We can help you meet your current needs, achieve your future dreams and plan for all stages of life.

Planning for Life


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Our Products
Don't know where to start?
Happy family

Financial planning

Browse our helpful tips and articles to understand what’s important to you and your loved ones.


When you join Modern Woodmen, you become a member of the organization. You trust us with your financial needs. And you have the opportunity to access member benefits and impact your community.

My Membership
Member Website
Family  Picture

My Member Login

Make a payment, update your address, and access account information, online forms and fraternal benefits from the member website.