
老王灯笼官方下载In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Hall of Ma'at, goddess of Truth and Justice, was the place where evidence was weighed and judgement reached. Here, we consider the evidence for alternative theories of history and science.

Lost Civilizations and Pre-Columbian Contact

Were Native People responsible for American pyramids, mounds and crops, or were they taught by a Lost or Unknown Civilization that reached the Americas before Columbus?

Review of Voyages of the Pyramid Builders




The Secrets Of Oak Island


The Newport Tower and the Plowden Petition





Damian Thompson, pp x + 196, Atlantic Books (London), 2008 This review article first appeared in The Skeptic (UK) 21:4 (2009), 25...

Skepticism on ‘Fringe’ and ‘Mainstream’

This article first appeared in The Skeptic, Vol.20, No.2, pp 24-29. Reproduced with permission My main question here is: How...

Archaeological Fantasies: How pseudoarchaeology misrepresents the past and misleads the public

Archaeological Fantasies: How pseudoarchaeology misrepresents the past and misleads the publicEdited by Garrett G. Fagan Did aliens build the pyramids?...

Tracing Graham Hancock’s Shifting Cataclysm

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Nic Flemming’s Channel 4 Encounter

Nic Flemming has contacted me concerning Graham Hancock’s comments about his review of Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age, and...

Definition of Peer-Reviewed Journals: A Rebuttal to the Lunatic Fringe

A common accusation levelled at academics is that "The Establishment" (false terminology) band together with the express aim to quash...


Leaving aside the fallacies already well-exposed by the other articles on this site, I would like to concentrate the reader's...

Myth of the Open Mind

Graham Hancock frequently uses the argument that the academics and scholars that oppose his theories have closed minds whereas those...

The Absence of Evidence

Recent developments have confirmed a worrying trend among the most prominent advocates of the Lost Civilisation theory towards devaluing, if...

Three Basic Principles of Archaeological Research

There appears to be confusion in the alternative camp (among both its proponents and supporters) as to how archaeology as...

An Answer to Graham Hancock

Last November (2000) Graham Hancock issued a public challenge to me on the Message Board of his website to read...

Ancient Astronauts

Did ancient people witness the arrival of visitors from outer space?


Did Africans export technology, civilization and culture to the world?

Multiculturalism, Cult Archaeology, and Pseudoscience

From : Cult Archaeology and Creationism: Understanding Pseudoscientific Beliefs about the Past, edited by Francis B.Harrold and Raymond E.Eve, An...


Note: In 1996 I was a member of a Committee on Multicultural Science Education set up by the Michigan State...

Spreading Scientific Illiteracy Among Minorities – Part II: Magic Melanin

Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 16, No. 2, Winter 1992, pp 162-166 Reproduced with permission Afrocentric beliefs include a range of tenets....

Robbing Native American Cultures: Van Sertima’s Afrocentricity and the Olmecs

“在老公的墙裂推荐下,起了个早赶十公里路去...”-老机场陈记 ...:2021-6-11 · 点评用户“passiflorap”对【老机场陈记粉条王】的评价:在老公的墙裂推荐下,起了个早赶十公里路去嗦粉,九点不到就满屋子人了,生意真的是不错。餐品非常单一,汤粉和粽子,...

Orion Correlation Theory

Is a date of 10,450 BC or earlier encoded at Giza?

Longing for Leo Or: Spin the Tale on the Zodiac

An important aspect of the so-called "Orion Correlation" is that the Great Sphinx at Giza is supposedly associated with the...

Aldebaran and the Dashour Pyramids

An Argument presented by Jane B. Sellers, Author of  The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt It has taken me...

Orion and the Giza pyramids

Discussions in Egyptology 30, 1994, pp 101-114 Reproduced with permission Peter Ackroyd’s Nicholas Dyer had his own reasons when he...


Joanne Conman’s close reading of “The Sphinx Blinks,” one of my monthly articles on astronomy and culture for Sky &...

Going Orion in a Circle (Or: The Challenging Cayce of 10,500BC)

The Rise and Fall of a Correlation The way the, so called, Orion Correlation Theory has degenerated over time is...


In 1999, Robert Bauval, coauthor of The Orion Mystery and The Message of the Sphinx, enlisted the astronomical support of...

The Sphinx Blinks

Sky & Telescope, March 2001.Copyright (c) 2001 by Sky Publishing Corp. Reproduced with permission. Despite the worldwide fame enjoyed by...


Rambling Through the Skies Sky & Telescope, February 1997.Copyright (c) 1997 by Sky Publishing Corp. Reproduced with permission. Magical incantations...