

Since I have been taking Krampade, I have not gotten a single cramp! I rode 50 miles on my bike and played basketball on the same day.
Reuben, Physical Therapist



Great product for "women's issues". If you're having some serious menstrual cramps this stuff is no joke. I use it monthly so I can function as I get pretty serious pain... This is the CURE ALL! Thank you Krampade!
Jenn, Google review



Krampade saved my wedding and honeymoon!

My wedding was in two days... drinking Krampade made a huge difference and my spasms stopped the next day.
Matthew, Tech Support Engineer and Paintballer


Krampade allows me to focus fully on my play

I have struggled with dehydration and cramping... Since I started using Krampade, I have not had any issues during games or practices.
Clarke, Professional Ice Hockey Goalie



Check out Best Krampade Practices!


I definitely feel a difference when taking Krampade

I feel that I recover much more fully and quickly due to Krampade after working outdoors in the summer heat.
Anonymous, Krampade customer survey


Great product that works very well

I have had a cramping problem after 20 mile runs and with Krampade I don’t experience the issue anymore.
Anonymous, Krampade customer survey


Near immediate cramp relief

The powder dissolves very well in water and the substance itself is very easy to drink. I experience near immediate cramp relief.
Anonymous, Krampade customer survey

Krampade complete electrolyte replacement sports drink


Krampade is the best sports drink on the planet. Krampade comes as an electrolyte powder, creating a high potassium drink. Not only does Krampade help stop and prevent cramping but it also enhances muscle performance, speeds recovery, reduces fatigue, and optimizes your hydration, all in one amazing bottle!

Official Sports Drink Partner

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Official Partner


Official Partner


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Official Member

Quickly resolves cramps in less than 1 minute


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Enhances post-practice and post-competition recovery

Dietary chloride to help move water into cells

Dietary potassium to keep muscle function high

Made for everyone, it’s not just another sports drink.



Finish the game on your time, not your cramps’ time.



Keeping cramps from keeping you from the job.



Get that beauty sleep that you deserve.



Never let your time of the month slow you down.


Krampade is now available at these fine retailers!


Krampade is an
anti-cramping drink


Recent News

August 3, 2020 in Blogs

Success Story: Krampade Sports Drink Leverages Revolving Loan Fund To Secure Public/Private Investment For Business Growth

From Economic Development Administration (EDA) August 2020 Newsletter: EDA makes Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) grant awards to establish Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs) that make loans to businesses that cannot otherwise…
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