

MOLI is a Quality and Operations Assistant for Advanced Manufacturing.

She helps you and your team train, assess, certify, document, and communicate — so you can make a quality product, pass your audits, and strengthen your company.

Learn More



MOLI: Multi-Operation Lean Intelligence

Electronic Work Instructions (EWI)

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Operator Forms

Replace your paper forms and manual data entry with touch-driven electronic forms that integrate with your existing ERP or Document Management System.

Job Pack + Work Log (eDHR)

Build a complete record of all Job information, changes, and actions that works for production and auditing.

Targeted Plant-Wide Alerts

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Supervisor Escalations

Empower operators to escalate issues to supervisors, with full resolution logging.

6-Minute MOLI for MedTech Feature Walkthrough


Visitor Kiosk

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Digital Signage

苹果iOS小火箭Shadowrocket换区免费下载教程!5分钟翻出 ...:2021-9-20 · 前一阵发现不少群友没有外服的苹果ID,他们下载的破解版小火箭也无法使用订阅功能,对V2ray的支持也不太好。本期教程是受皇子同学的邀请而做的 ...

Audited and Verified

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Plays Well With Others

With integrations available with many popular ERP and Document Management systems, MOLI enhances and solidifies your investment in the right tools.

Batteries Included

Partnerships with Elo Touch Solutions, Wasp Barcode Technologies, and Intel Corporation ensure reliable hardware integration.

Unconstrain the Safety Zone

MOLI's compact Kiosk form-factor takes up less floor space than podiums, tables, and paper-based job travelers.


Put MOLI to Work in Your Factory

MOLI Screenshot

Your Pilot Includes:

  • Full license for 1 Work Center Kiosk
  • Unlimited number of user accounts
  • Complete Kiosk hardware, including
    • Touchscreen: ELO I-Series 21.5” or 10.1" AiO
    • Mount: Wall mount, pole mount, tabletop stand, or floor stand
    • Barcode Reader: Integrated ELO or standalone Wasp 2D scanner
  • Setup of instructions templates
  • 1-on-1 training with your designated Instructions Authors
  • Full access to all customer support and training resources
  • Integration with existing ERP / MRP investment through our Engineering Partnership program


Let's get together to discuss potential business return & feasibility — and whether or not MOLI's a good fit.