

We recognise that financial institutions have an important role to play in addressing challenges such as financial inclusion and financial crime, and in broader systemic issues such as digital transformation and climate change.
As Chief Executive, I aim to ensure that our priorities deliver long-term value for our business, the customers we serve and communities in which we operate. These segments are entirely interrelated, as it is simply not possible to build sustainable success for one and not the others. Good business depends on a strong, healthy society - and vice versa.
Nathan BostockCEO
Nathan Bostock
Enabling every individual and all communities to understand, access and gain from high-quality financial services is core to our business and critical in creating stability and prosperity for all parts of our society.
Shriti Vaderaladdervnp下载安卓版
Shriti Vadera

Our strategy

百度贴吧——全球最大的中文社区:百度贴吧——全球最大的中文社区。贴吧的使命是让志同道合的人相聚。不论是大众话题还是小众话题,都能精准地聚集大批同好网友,展示自我风采,结交知音,搭建别具特色的“兴趣主题“互动平台。贴吧目录涵盖游戏、地区、文学、动漫、娱乐明星、生活、体育、电脑数码等方方面面,是全球 ...

Our strategy
our strategy
