From Marti Michell Quilting Products
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Marti was named the 2004 recipient
of the Silver Star Award
, presented
annually to "a living person whose
body of work has positively influenced,
promoted and developed the art of

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Jen Kingwell's Long Time Gone
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Marti's class offerings or to return
to the From Marti Michell website,
click on Marti's picture above.

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We have exciting news! Marti Michell has been announced as the 2020 inductee into the Quilters Hall of Fame in Marion, Indiana! You can learn about the Michells' quilting history by clicking here to visit the "About Us" page.

Welcome to the From Marti Michell online store, featuring our complete product line and our NEW gift assortments. If you are a shopowner, please click here.

为什么有些用户宁愿双开浏览器(谷歌Chrome+IE),也不 ...:为什么有些用户宁愿双开浏览器(谷歌Chrome+IE),也不愿意使用搜狗浏览器这样的中国双核浏览器?:搜狗 360等等一系列浏览器,并没有核心技术,无非包了层皮,还附带各种广告,插件,乱七八糟的东西太多。品牌力和公信力不如:-双核浏览器,搜狗浏览器,双开,ie If you're interested in the Farmer's Wife 1930s sew along, or looking for the Long Time Gone sew along, there's a link at left with info about those.

Want to know what's new and new-ish From Marti Michell? Click here to download a 4-page PDF of exciting news!

If you are looking for information on the Nine Patch Parade Sewalong with From Marti Michell and Gnome Angel, visit our What's New web page here. To purchase the Nine Patch Parade pattern pack used for the Parade projects, visit our store here. Quilters in countries outside the US may want to check Gnome Angel's store for most economical shipping.

为什么有些用户宁愿双开浏览器(谷歌Chrome+IE),也不 ...:为什么有些用户宁愿双开浏览器(谷歌Chrome+IE),也不愿意使用搜狗浏览器这样的中国双核浏览器?:搜狗 360等等一系列浏览器,并没有核心技术,无非包了层皮,还附带各种广告,插件,乱七八糟的东西太多。品牌力和公信力不如:-双核浏览器,搜狗浏览器,双开,ie

Our web-store pages feature information about our products, however, for more detailed information, free videos to watch, Marti's classes and lectures list, loads of handy tips, tricks and downloads for sewing and using our tools, please visit "the big side" of our website by clicking on Marti's photo at the top of this page.

We are proud to say that our product line is made in America.

From Marti Michell shipping info

Shipping and handling is regularly $5.95 within the Continental U.S., no matter how large your order is. Orders are shipped via USPS.

International orders will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost of shipping to your country plus $2.50, which covers packing and packaging materials.

A copy of our latest catalog will be included with your shipment.

Click on the product names at left for a complete description and photo, along with pricing information. To make it easy to order companion products, like specific templates plus books or patterns that can be used with them, there is a list of "Related Products" below the main info on each page. Contact information is provided at the bottom of every page.

If you wish to change the contents of your basket and update it, please click on BASKET in the purple bar under Marti's photo.

Visit the "big" side of our site for detailed information about all of our products, and for photos, tips & tricks, videos and more - click on Marti's photo at the top of any store page to go to the front page of our Website. You might want to start with What's New. On the website side f our site, use the "About Our Products" button to find products you're looking for. Use your back button or click "Shop Online" to come back to the store.

We hope you will bookmark From Marti Michell and visit often.

Our Web store accepts American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa, listed in alphabetical order in the droip down menu at checkout. When you are ready to check out and get to that part in the ordering process, click on American Express to see the drop-down menu and select another credit card, if you wish. If the drop-down menu doesn't work, check your browser preferences to be sure "allow pop-ups" is selected. If you still cannot place your order, please call our 800 number during regular business hours and we will be happy to take your order "in person."

Thank you for visiting our online store, and for your interest in From Marti Michell products. If you have any questions, please give us a call.


From Marti Michell


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From Marti Michell P.O.Box 80218 • Atlanta, GA 30366-0218 USA

or Call Customer Service at 800-558-3568 or 770-458-6500
Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm EST
Entire contents copyright 1996–2010 by Martha G. Michell

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A Note About Copyright and the Web

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Note: The Webmaster cannot answer questions about orders.

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