
Change is the only constant in life but most of us don’t like it. Understanding how to make change means knowing how we work – what makes us tick and what influences our choices.
蚂蚁金服与阿里云“双剑合璧”,加速释放金融科技时代新红利 - ...:2021年9月29日 - 具体而言,未来金融客户可以通过“一个界面、一个账号”,即可得到双方服务的支持;同时,借助阿里云更为广泛的覆盖网络,也会加速蚂蚁金服金融科技产品和解...

Good governance and allowing creativity to shine can unblock many strategic avenues for change.
Whether your organisation is an engine of innovation, a service provider or a producer, we can help you align your internal structures, processes and ways of working to your purpose.
The cities of Bilbao and Edinburgh, with SME partners Urban Tide and The Lunar Works (with Ed Synnott of Tynos Consulting), have won a major bid as part of the Horizon 2020 SynchroniCity Programme to invest in new ways noise acceptability can be understood...
We were delighted to deliver the recent Smart Sustainable Cities: Manchester workshop for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with Jane McLaughlin of The Lunar Works and Tynos Consulting. Cities from across the UK and Europe, including Madrid, Manchester,...