Engineering Building Entrance




                                  First-Year Engineering Program

                                  All first year engineering students start in this program, which provides academic support and the information students need to make an informed choice about their major.


                                  Engineering Summer Camps

                                  Our summer camps for rising 4th through 12th graders offer hands-on learning experiences and give kids a chance to explore different engineering and sustainability topics.


                                  STEM Preparation Program

                                  Through STEMprep, students at any two year college in Arkansas can take U of A science, engineering and math courses online to earn transfer credit.


                                  International Engineering Program

                                  Earn a degree in engineering or computer science and a degree in German in five years. IEP students also spend a year studying and interning in Germany.

                                  engineering diversity

                                  Engineering Career Awareness Program

                                  ECAP provides underrpresented students with an academic and social support network to help succeed in class and find engineering jobs.

                                  data science face

                                  NEW: Data Science Program

                                  With a B.S. in Data Science, students will participate in a rigorous, innovative, multi-disciplinary learning experience and will graduate equipped to face some of the world’s biggest challenges.


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                                  student integrated intern research experience

                                  Student Integrated Intern Research Experience

                                  This program can help you prepare for graduate school as well as a future career. It provides real-world experience in both the research and industry worlds.
