1. coronavirus header for webpage coronavirus header for webpage
            Latest on COVID-19

            The Division of Continuing and International Education has extended remote learning for many summer courses. Review the latest updates for information specific to your program.

            电脑上如何用梯子 dli covid response webinars for distance learning instructional design
            Online Course Development Workshops

            Attend an open-forum workshop for online course development led by our Distance Learning Institute.

            Scrcpy - 打通手机和电脑的神器 - Android 应用 - 【最美应用】:2021-8-8 · 从智能手机诞生以来,人们把它往电脑上怼的努力就从未停止。一方面想拥有小屏的便携性,一方面又想拥有大屏的爽快与生产力,从系统自带的投屏到收购苹果母公司,效率提升 1400% 的 TNT …


            At the University of Miami, we want to remain connected with our alumni and empower them to be of service long after they graduate. The Division has partnered with the Alumni Association to offer massive open online courses (MOOCs) to all alumni of the University. These courses will strike a balance between soft and technical skills to ensure all ‘Canes continue to lead and serve to the best of their abilities. Learn more.


            High schoolers can earn six college credits or participate in immersive academic programs while enjoying a summer experience that sets the stage for college success.


            [杂谈] 亲们,你们ios都用的什么梯子 - 果粉圈 - IT圈:2021-9-19 · 这才像台电脑!成功刷入windows(刷机包格式:jpg) 电池健康还是100%?用了大半年了 分享了自己的Apple ID,导致经常被锁,还被人尝试改密码 疑似水果12的主板 iPhone模具转自冰宇宙 苹果的高仿数据线可以用软件验证了


            Put yourself on the path to academic, professional and personal success when you improve your oral and written communications skills with the Intensive English Program.


            技术讨论:教你怎么玩电报(Telegram),telegram入门教程 ...:2021-3-12 · 鉴于目前越来越严峻的通讯监控,越来越多的人开始到国外玩电报(Telegram),以下简称Telegram。相比于推特、Facebook等,telegram更安全,而且没有广告;相比于国内的通讯软件来说,自然是可以飙车了(目前telegram官方打击的是isis,其他群如果 ...

            DCIE In the News
