Adobe Acrobat Pro DC with e-sign

          绿叶 百度云

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          Adobe Sign is also available for business. Learn more

          绿叶 百度云


          Adobe Acrobat Pro DC with e-sign makes it easy to send, track, and collect e-signatures. Signing documents is just as simple — click, tap, or swipe.




          绿叶 百度云


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          Work in apps you already love.


          Edit documents and send for e-signature from Microsoft 365, Google Drive, Box, and more.



          Get instant notifications.


          When you send documents for e-signature with Adobe tools, you’ll know exactly when documents have been viewed and signed.


          Send and sign from anywhere.


          With our mobile app, you can easily collect signatures on any device — no matter where you’re working.


          绿叶 百度云

          绿叶 百度云

          绿叶 百度云


          An electronic signature, or e-signature, is a legal way to get consent or approval on online contracts or forms. They are legal, tested, secure, auditable, and verifiable.


          绿叶 百度云


          Yes. E-signatures in Acrobat, powered by Adobe Sign, meet or exceed stringent security and legal compliance standards. E-signatures are legally binding in most nations.




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          How do I create an electronic signature?


          With e-signatures powered by Adobe Sign, recipients can electronically sign documents by typing their name or uploading their signature on a computer. They can even draw their own signature on a mobile device.


          绿叶 百度云

          绿叶 百度云


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          Adobe Acrobat Pro with E-sign keeps your business moving. Easily add electronic signatures to any document. Automate critical workflows. And comply with strict laws and standards.

          Adobe Sign for small business.

          If you’re running a business, our advanced e-signature tools will help you keep business moving. Easily embed online forms on your website for customers to fill and sign. Quickly send agreements to hundreds of recipients with a click. And collect payments directly from customers on the forms they e-sign.




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