
Can you biblically define “adultery” and “fornication”? What is a “contract,” and is there any relevance in this first sentence to us in a contemporary society? What might this paragraph say to the intent of marriage? Why is adultery after marriage lawful grounds for divorce? How far does “adultery” extend? Why is it that only … More Episode 24.5: Adultery and Divorce


How does this paragraph relate to the previous one? What does “consanguinity” and “affinity” mean? How do we deal with the idea of incest when it comes to the children of Adam and Eve? Where does the Bible specifically address the laws of consanguinity and affinity? How do we know incest laws aren’t only for … More 猫咪破解版v1.2.5/解锁会员/去除限制/免登录/去除广告 - D站 ...:2021-6-2 · 猫咪破解版 同类推荐 Shadowrocket 签永不掉版本 查看 京东618完成叠蛋糕任务自动版 自动浏览需要浏览的商品 查看 块猫最新版,已破解付费机制 查看 PanDownload v1.2.9 解除限制 查看 ...

Episode 24.2: The Purposes of Marriage

How do you think most people would answer the question about God’s design for marriage? Does the chapter’s ordering reflect anything historically or polemically? What is meant by “mutual help”? What does that look like? What is “legitimate issue”? How can Christians help support non-Christians in the area of marriage? Does God ordinarily build his … More Episode 24.2: The Purposes of Marriage

Episode 23.4: Honoring the Magistrate

Why is a paragraph like this needed in a confession of faith? Why should we pray for our civil leaders? How do we “honor” their persons? What does “for conscience’s sake” mean? In Romans 13 whose “wrath” is being spoke of: Team Nathan (magistrates) or Team Kyle (God’s)? Excursus: should we obey the speed limit? … More Shadowrocket 小火箭 | 多米诺骨牌源 | 最简洁的中文源:2021-3-9 · Shadowrocket 小火箭 软件版本:2.1.49 支持设备: iPhone iPad 收藏次数:32 文件大小:4.69 MB 支持版本:iOS 10.0 ~ iOS 13.5 开发者:ss 当前下载数:1485 总下载次数:1485

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What’s the American context for the edits to this paragraph? Historically, how has the civil magistrate assumed the responsibility of the keys of the kingdom? Does the civil magistrate have a right to determine things around worship? How might the magistrate need to take order? What does that mean? What’s with all the punctuation? Is … More Episode 23.3: The Magistrate’s Religious Duty

Episode 23.2: The Christian Magistrate

What error is this paragraph seeking to oppose? What are qualifications for the civil magistrate? Can you define and biblically defend “maintaining piety,” “justice,” and “peace”? What defines “good” and “evil” in the context of Romans 13? How does “according to the wholesome laws of each commonwealth” come into the theonomy debate? If you had … More Episode 23.2: The Christian Magistrate