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COVID-19 Advisory. WSU Extension is working to keep our communities safe. All Extension programming is being provided virtually, postponed or canceled. Effective March 16, 2020, WSU Extension county offices and WSU Research & Extension Centers will be closed to the public. We are available via email, phone and webconference.


WSU Mount Vernon Northwestern Washington Research & Extension Center is one of four WSU Research Centers operated by the College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS) housing several research programs, including entomology, soil science, small fruit horticulture, vegetable horticulture, vegetable pathology, vegetable seed pathology, weed science, and plant breeding. The research center works to solve plant-related problems, and develop cost-effective and environmentally-sound plant production practices based directly on results from experimental field, greenhouse and laboratory research trials.

NWREC ResourcesWSU Mount Vernon NWREC
16650 State Route 536
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

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