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Hoang 'Leon' Nguyen / The Republican / Masslive.com/photos


Springfield's police commissioner, Cheryl Clapprood, has acknowledged no changes have been made to the department's use-of-force policy. This comes two months after the department said Clapprood accepted suggestions offered by the City Council.

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William Zhang / Creative Commons




After a tumultuous week filled with legislative outrage, sniping between energy companies, and consumer sticker shock at rising utility bills, state regulators on Friday announced they would temporarily suspend a controversial rate increase for energy company Eversource.

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The Benefits of Ranked Choice Voting with Prof. Justin Gross


Jul 31, 2020
The Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford.
Photo Phiend / Creative Commons / flickr.com/photos/photophiend

This week, the Connecticut Senate passed a police accountability bill, which its colleagues in the House passed last week. It changes how misconduct cases are investigated, clarifies when deadly force can be used, and bans chokeholds in most cases.

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The delicate balancing act of anticipating electric demand before and during the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown electricity suppliers, regulators and customers an unwelcome surprise this summer: massive jumps on electric bills. 

Two days after the Executive Office of Health and Human Services announced that a “clinically recovered” veteran at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home tested positive for the virus again, an agency spokeswoman confirmed that six employees at the home have also tested positive for a second time.


Jul 31, 2020

A new survey led by the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy coalition (MIRA) suggests many immigrant households in the state are struggling with unemployment as well as food and housing insecurity as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Pandemic Deepens Cancer's Stress And Tough Choices

Alexea Gaffney battles health issues every day on multiple fronts. As an infectious disease doctor in Stony Brook, N.Y., she treats patients who have COVID-19. And two years ago, at age 37, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. As a result, the physician and single mom, who is also home-schooling her 8-year-old daughter these days, is still under medical treatment for the cancer. And that makes her more vulnerable to the virus. Gaffney says navigating life from minute to minute feels...

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Summer Fiction

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Monday, Aug. 17 at 7 p.m.



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We are deeply saddened by the tragic events of the last several weeks which have shaken the Black community. The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many other Black Americans have triggered national and international outrage and calls for systemic change. We once again see the bitter truths about racism, inequality, and injustice. This is a difficult time in our Nation’s history. Unlike many countries around the world which have experienced similar horrific...

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